The cats have taken the high defenses

I went to a place called "Cerro Santa Lucia." It's basically a big steep hill in the middle of the city were defenses were created to fight off the people who wanted to do something that the current people who owned the hill didn't want them to do. It's got lots of rocks, twisted paths and lots of old cannons doted around the scenery. Strangely missing here are the usual pack of dogs that I have mentioned usually roam the parks and calles del Santago. The reason for this is that you have to sign your name, social security number and place of origin on a sheet of paper before you are allowed to enter the garden area of the hill. AND, because dogs are scientifically known to not have thumbs for working a pen, do not have a social security number and probably wouldn't be able to spell their place of origin if they overcame the first two challenges.
Within these peaceful and steep garden, I found where the cats are hiding. Not only are the cats hiding, but they are feasting on spaghetti. How they got the spaghetti, in Chile, I don't know, but I assume if you posses the ability to get guards posted at all entrances to a garden in order to prevent dogs from entering the area and to be in possession of the hill fortress complete with canons and ice cream shops, then getting spaghetti is pretty easy.


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